Monday, July 4, 2011

Individual vs. Team Assignments

The semester has been filled with opportunities to complete assignments both individually as well as collaboratively.  I found those experiences with the team to be intellectually rewarding.  Through those experiences I engaged in dialogue that required me to at time hold my tongue and allow my colleagues to express their point of view on a particular concept.  It was during those times I gained a wealth of knowledge and understanding because their point of view was from a different perspective.  Often while completing individual assignments I felt compelled to contact my team member and get their perspective on the assignment.  There were occasions where gave into those compulsions and there were occasions when I did not.  It was during those occasion that I did not I had to sometimes read and reread information on a topic to gain complete understanding.  Overall, I believe that those experiences with the team were experiences where meaningful learning took place and ideas and concepts were meshed.

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